State Committee for Veterinary and Livestock Development
Published Nov. 13, 2024, 4:16 p.m.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 8, 2011 No. 202 "On measures to improve the activities of services related to the capture and maintenance of stray animals" and the resolution of the regional akim dated July 21 No. 147, 2011, from August 1, 2011, stray animals will be captured in the presence of the District Improvement Department. departments were created. The organized unit is tasked with organizing the capture of stray dogs, cats and wild animals left unattended on the streets and in other places, as well as creating special places for their temporary storage.
Rabies is an acute infectious disease with severe damage to the central nervous system. The end of this disease is inevitable death. The causative agent of rabies is a neurotropic filterable virus that accumulates in large quantities in the brain of a sick animal. It is also secreted in the salivary glands and saliva of the spinal cord.
Rabies infects all types of wild and domestic animals, as well as humans. Carnivores are mostly infected by wild animals, dogs and cats by domestic animals. A sick animal is considered the source of the disease.
The rabies virus is transmitted to the public health clinic in Belgium for 8-10 days. The infection rate of the virus is 100-150 kb. Tabiatda kuturish kasalliging tabiy ўchoklari mavzhud viruslar kemiruvchilar, kўrshapalaklar arganizmida saklanadi қon sўruvchi kўrshapalaklar kaslalik қўzғatuvchi havfli manba hisoblanadi. Organismga Tushgan virus nerve tolalariga ўrnashib nerve trunks orkali bosh va orka miyaga karab yuradi. Virus bosh miyaga etgach nerve tukimalarini zharokhatlaydi, kўpayib rivozhlanadi va perefirik nerve tukimalari orkali sўlak bezlariga ўtib sўlak orkali tarkaladi. The nerve is damaged by degeneration of the nerve. Muscle damage is caused by asphyxia and is accompanied by severe respiratory failure. The disease causes fever, which is characteristic of the virus and virulence of the body. The disease lasts for 7-10 days. The disease can cause serious complications and lead to serious illness.
The severe form goes through 3 stages. In the prodromal stage, the behavior of the sick animal changes. This stage lasts from 12 hours to 3 days. The dog looks restless, it does not care whether the owner will call, dragging itself into a dark place. His appetite is disturbed, and, not eating his usual food, he greedily begins to scratch the ground and gnaw the soil. He can also eat pieces of wood or iron. His voice changes to a howl. In the excitement phase, irritation turns into aggression. Symptoms of fear disappear. The dog bites through the chain, runs away a long distance and attacks people and animals. In this case, he bites suddenly, because the throat and tongue are paralyzed, a lot of saliva flows from the mouth, the lower jaw falls off, unpleasant sensations persist for 3-4 days. In the paralysis stage, the dog loses weight, aphonia (loss of voice), paralysis of the throat, tongue, jaw occurs, paralysis of the hind limbs joins, then the front legs are paralyzed, and it dies after 8-10 days. Currently, cultural vaccines are used to prevent the disease. Dogs and cats are destroyed to prevent rabies. Dogs that bite wild predators in unsanitary zones are kept in isolation for 10 days. In case of registration of the disease, the restriction will be lifted 60 days after the restriction is declared unhealthy. 4% formaldehyde is used for disinfection.
Registration of dogs and cats among residents and farms in the district veterinary department, their vaccination against rabies and issuance of a passport, return of the vaccination status to the dog's passport, deworming of dogs from helminthiasis. For keeping dogs that have caused bodily harm to people, within 10 days, dog owners are instructed to obtain a receipt in the name of the head and explain the rules for keeping dogs.
This resolution clearly states that owners of farms should contact regional veterinary specialists to obtain a passport for dogs newly brought to the farm within 3 days after rabies vaccination. Therefore, protect yourself and others from rabies by vaccinating your pet's dogs and cats against rabies.