State Committee for Veterinary and Livestock Development

About Commitee

Official Name: State Committee of Veterinary of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Date of Establishment: March 28, 2019

Director:: -


In accordance with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5696 dated March 28, 2019, "On Measures for the Fundamental Improvement of the Public Administration System in the Field of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry," and Resolution No. PK-4254, "On the Establishment of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Development," this committee was established.


The main tasks of the committee are defined as follows: Implementation of a unified state policy in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and breeding; bringing regulatory legal acts in line with international standards; coordinating the interaction of state bodies, economic management bodies, and local authorities in these areas; and licensing veterinary activities. Development of all branches of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, including cattle breeding, sheep breeding, karakul sheep breeding, goat breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping, and rabbit farming; coordination of breeding and selection work; and the development and implementation of targeted state programs in these areas. Ensuring the protection of the country's territory from the introduction of infectious animal diseases, the introduction of modern methods for treating and preventing diseases in animals, and organizing the production of new types and forms of veterinary medicines based on advances in local and foreign science. Monitoring the effectiveness of preventive measures for the timely detection, diagnosis, and prevention of the spread of infectious animal diseases to ensure epizootic well-being. Implementation of a unified mechanism of state support in the fields of animal husbandry and breeding; organization of the placement of forage crops on allocated land plots for feed cultivation; and monitoring the achievement of high productivity. Organization of animal identification in livestock sectors, accounting, decommissioning, maintenance, and regional classification of agricultural animals by breed. State control over compliance with legislation in the fields of veterinary medicine and breeding, as well as over the quality and circulation of veterinary medicines and feed additives. Comprehensive development of scientific, methodological, and educational potential in the fields of veterinary medicine and breeding selection; determining the directions of scientific research; and coordinating the implementation of the results of fundamental and applied research and innovative developments in veterinary and breeding selection practices. Ensuring the certification and standardization of livestock products in accordance with international requirements, the widespread introduction of modern quality management methods, and attracting foreign investments and grant funds into the veterinary and livestock sectors. Organization of systematic training of personnel in the field, improving their qualifications and retraining, and enhancing the methods and forms of work of managers and specialists.